
CRM in the field of services: is there a need?

Arshad Majeed

The service sector is one of the main branches of social production, designed to be sensitive to the needs and ...

Industrial Workplace: Aspects to Consider When Buying Access Equipment

Arshad Majeed

When it comes to a company’s most valuable assets, there’s no doubt they’re the employees. Business success and growth is ...

5 Reasons Why Watches Are Expensive 

Arshad Majeed

Many brands in the market offer several types of watches from basic to luxury level timepieces. All these watches come with different price points that are either considered cheap or very high. In this article, we will explore some of the reasons why watches are so expensive.

Tips for Social Media Content Moderation

Arshad Majeed

Social media services have practically changed everything, be it the new promotional practices or the integration of customer service. Communicating ...

Drunk Driving is on the Rise for the Holidays

Arshad Majeed

The holiday season is not over yet, and already drunk driving is on the rise. Truth be told, nobody is ...

Must-Read: Famous Quotes On Web Design

Arshad Majeed

There are famous quotes on web design which you should know. Get inspired by them and for sure your business will take a big leap towards progress in 2022. Read this blog post completely for more details.

How to Use Digital Signage to Make Employees More Productive

Arshad Majeed

Employee productivity directly affects your revenue. When employees are productive, revenue increases. When employees are unproductive, you not only lose ...

These 6 Décor Trends Will Be Everywhere for Christmas 2021

Arshad Majeed

Popular opinion: Christmas couldn’t come any sooner. While this was true for 2020, our gatherings were on the smaller side, ...

Choose Your Channels: The Top 7 Most Popular Streaming Services of 2021

Arshad Majeed

Over the last decade, streaming services have become an increasingly popular form of entertainment, causing millions of people to become ...

A Time of Need: The GPU Shortage and Where You Can Buy Them

Arshad Majeed

The economy is troubled because of the pandemic, but some markets are faring well than others. Some are highly affected ...