How to find the best contact lenses

Contact lenses are an excellent way to correct your vision on a daily basis. As medical devices, it’s especially important to find the right contact lenses for you, a decision which should always be made with your optician at your lens consultation. It’s important to wear contact lenses that suit your lifestyle; the lens material is also an important consideration. Below we go through the types of contacts available.

Soft contact lenses

Soft contact lenses are made of pliable hydrophilic (“water-loving”) plastics called hydrogels. Hydrogels absorb significant amounts of water to keep the lenses soft and breathable. The combination of plastic and water is what allows oxygen to pass through the lens to your eye.

Rigid gas permeable contact lenses

Hard contact lenses, also known as rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP) maintain their shape on the eye. Although they hold their shape, they are still fairly flexible and allow oxygen through to the eye in the same way that soft contact lenses do. There isn’t as much water in an RGP lens compared to soft lenses; instead, they rely on their microscopically porous nature to transmit oxygen to the cornea.

Toric contact lenses

Toric contact lenses are specifically designed to correct astigmatism. A toric lens is shaped differently to other lenses; this is so they can accommodate the more rugby ball shaped eye of someone who has astigmatism. You will only need to wear a toric lens if you have astigmatism. There are soft lenses as well as RGP lenses for astigmatism.

Coloured contact lenses

Coloured lenses are designed primarily for cosmetic purposes and can provide a subtle colour change or a more dramatic change. Coloured lenses are usually available in plano (non-prescriptive) and prescription versions. If you want to change the colour of your eyes, whether you need vision correction or not, a coloured lens could be the right choice for you. Coloured contact lenses still need to be fitted by an optician, even if you don’t require a prescription.

Multifocal contact lenses

Multifocal contact lenses have several prescriptive powers in the lens and are specifically designed to correct presbyopia (when objects up close become blurry). These lenses are for close work such as computer screens and reading. Multifocal lenses are different to varifocal/bifocal lenses, which only have two prescriptive powers in the lens.

Ortho K contact lenses

Orthokeratology contact lenses (also known as Ortho K) are a form of corneal refractive therapy. These contact lenses are worn at night and work to temporarily reshape your cornea, enabling you to see clearly the next day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Wearing Types

The wearing type of your lens refers to the wearing schedule, which is how often you can wear your lenses before they need to be replaced. Your optician will suggest which wearing type is the best for you based on your lifestyle.

  1. Daily disposable contact lenses

    Daily disposables are lenses you wear and dispose of daily. These are the most hygienic type of lenses because they are replaced every day, which means your eyes aren’t irritated by any build-up of dirt or allergens which can accumulate on the lens throughout the day. Daily contact lenses are also great for those who don’t want a lens cleaning routine. Although dailies are brilliant for hygiene and convenience, they are also more expensive as you have to use a new lens every day. You can order daily disposable contact lenses online from UK’s #1 contact lenses retailer – Feel Good Contacts by visiting this website.

    Dailies are brilliant for special occasions such as weddings or other social events. They can also be used for playing sports to avoid breaking your glasses.

  2. Two weekly contact lenses

    Two weekly lenses are used daily before being cleaned and stored in contact lens solution overnight. These lenses must be replaced every two weeks. They are a more affordable option compared to dailies and are a great medium option for people who don’t want to commit to a monthly lens.

  3. Monthly contact lenses

    Monthly contact lenses are the most cost-effective option as you can wear the same lens every day for 30 days, provided it is removed, cleaned and stored in solution at night. Monthly lenses tend to be thicker to ensure they last a month of wear.

  4. Yearly

    Although yearly contact lenses have a higher initial cost, they are extremely cost-effective as you are using the same lens throughout the year. Just like monthly and two weekly lenses, they can be used daily as long as they are cleaned and stored in solution each night. These lenses must be replaced every year; this also makes them the most eco-friendly wearing type.


What contacts are right for me?

The contact lenses best suited to you will depend on many factors. You can find the right lens with your optician at your next contact lens fitting consultation. The condition of your eyes and your lifestyle will help an eye care professional to work out which lenses will work best for you. Once you have your prescription, you can find the cheapest contact lenses at Feel Good Contacts, and other eye care essentials for the lowest price in the UK.

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