Getting some free money is a desire for many people. It may seem impossible since money does not grow on trees. However, since more and more services and websites pop up, some of them offer exactly that. These are the 4 ways to get free money.
Passive income applications
By far the easiest way to make free money is using passive income applications. These applications pretty much provide money for nothing. The common idea between them is that you get some money in exchange for sharing your internet traffic.
Honeygain is one of those applications. In it, you receive a certain amount of credits just for sharing your unused internet bandwidth. In their system, you get 3 credits for 10 MB of traffic shared. 1 000 credits gathered equal to $1. You need to get 20 000 credits (or $20) in order to cash out.
The app itself does everything for you, making it a great way to get free money. It is available on every operating system and it is very easy to use. All you have to do is register and install the application itself. It runs in the background and no further input is required from you. You can open it and simply forget about it.
Survey sites
Another easy way to make free money is using survey sites. There is a big selection of them, so you should find one that fits you the best.
These surveys range from very short ones to longer ones. Of course, the longer and more difficult the survey – the more money you would earn. However, the word ‘difficult’ here does not mean that the surveys contain some tough questions or exercises – simply their length could be a bit tiring. But it is well worth the effort!
Usually, depending on the website itself, a single survey could net you $0.50-$1.00 of free money each time you complete them. The topics for these surveys can range from simple questionnaires about your preferences on certain products, to your opinions on certain topics.
All in all, it should not take you a long time to complete them. Also, since you choose the surveys and how many of them to do, the amount of free money you get depends solely on yourself.
Get paid to listen to music
If you enjoy music and strive to find some new tunes, this is the way to go for you. You can get free money just by listening to music.
Services such as Current provide you with income for listening to their curated stations. The stations themselves span multiple genres, hence the options to choose from are vast. You can find a station for rock music or old tunes – there is something for everyone.
If you find some song that you really enjoy, you can save it to your device for later, offline use. As this application is available on mobile devices, you can carry out earning free money nearly anywhere. As long as that place has an internet connection, needless to say.
Considering that most of us are wearing headphones while working, traveling, walking around, or doing chores, it is only logical to earn while doing so.
Cashback (also known as rebate) services help you get some money back on your purchases. They can either offer you a percentage of the sum back or provide you with a bulk payment just for purchasing something. They are popular all over the world, and the market size for it should increase in the future.
As you may have noticed, you do need to make a purchase here, and it may seem that it is not free money after all. However, when making purchases through a cashback service, you would get some money back from it.
This contrasts with purchases not through cashback services where you would get nothing. For example, you may buy a new phone via some retailer and get nothing in return. Whereas using a cashback service could give you a nice sum back.
There are numerous cashback services available. Some are simple websites, whereas others are linked to a certain financial institution and give you some free money back automatically when you make a purchase using a credit or debit card.
As you can see, there are plenty of ways where you can get free money. Some of them require a tiny bit of effort, whereas others require nothing at all. It is the perfect time to take advantage of these methods and get some extra income. A few extra dollars for nothing is well worth it!