How to Host an Unforgettable Backyard Gathering

 Summer is quickly approaching and it’s time to start thinking about getting together with friends and family. With nice weather, there’s no better place to gather than in the backyard.

 Want to make your next get-together memorable? Here are 6 great ideas.

  1. Fire up your backyard fire pit

You can’t have a backyard gathering without a fire pit – it goes against the rules of summer! Fire pits make people feel warm, comfortable, and cozy from the inside out. There’s something special about gathering around a fire that brings people together more than just sitting around having a beer.

Is your fire pit ready for entertainment? If it’s been a while, fire it up to make sure everything works. If you’ve got a wood-burning fire pit, consider trading it in for a gas fire pit. Gas fire pits are easier to maintain because they don’t require much attention, which means you can spend more time connecting with your guests. 

  1. Choose your music wisely

Music is another must-have for a memorable backyard get-together, but you have to be careful with your selections. You don’t want to play elevator music (unless that’s what your friends like), but you probably shouldn’t play anything too niche, either.

Make sure to use high-quality speakers if you’re going to play the music in the backyard. Home speakers won’t compare to the natural acoustics of professional amphitheaters like Red Rocks, but good enough is good enough.

If all of your guests share the same taste in music, you won’t have a problem. However, if some of your guests are metalheads and some are only into classical music, someone will be irritated if you play either type of music.

If your guests’ musical interests are extremely diverse, play the kind of music you’d hear in the grocery store. Although some of it is popular music, there’s no real genre that describes that particular collection. However, a lot of that music comes from the late 90s and early 2000s.

On the other hand, if all of your guests are metalheads, you can make your get-together memorable by blasting bands like Kamelot and Pantera. 

  1. Hand out cool party favors

Party favors aren’t just for kids! Adults and teenagers love party favors, too. The key is to hand out party favors people will enjoy rather than loading up bags with dollar store junk.

Think about what your guests might enjoy. If your party includes people from an interest-based group, put together a bag of goodies related to that interest. For example, if you’re getting together with your baseball teammates, stuff the bags with baseball cards, a custom t-shirt, and candy shaped like baseballs and bats.

If your guests are from all walks of life, put together a generic party favor bag full of edible treats and maybe even a $10 Starbucks gift card. 

  1. Invite a live band

Live music is one of the best ways to make a gathering memorable. However, don’t just get your buddy’s band to come play. It’s tempting to want to support friends, but that will only work when all of your guests are into their music.

Look for a well-liked professional band with no more than three members. Limit your selection to a band with easily portable instruments like guitars, violins, banjos, and keyboards. You don’t want to worry about the band having to find a level surface to set up a full drum kit in your backyard.

  1. Invite a guest speaker

Depending on who your guests are, it might be interesting to invite a guest speaker. Your speaker could be anyone, including a successful entrepreneur, an environmental activist, or a comedian.

Choose someone who won’t make the atmosphere too serious, but will provide value to your guests. Ask around. Maybe you know someone looking for an opportunity to share their life’s work with the world, and they can get their start at your backyard party.

  1. Host some fun games

Think about how you can entertain your guests with some games. If you have more than five people, board games are out of the question. For a large gathering, you need games that provide constant stimulation for everyone involved. For example, these are classic backyard party games:

  • Beanbag tic-tac-toe
  • Laser tag
  • Hula Hoop Croquet soccer-style
  • Water balloon toss
  • Ping pong ball squirt gun targets

Although most of these games are designed for kids, adults love playing, too.

Have fun this summer

There are endless ways to enjoy spending time with your friends and family. Whether you plan an elaborate part or stick with simplicity, your guests will enjoy your gathering.

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