4 Ways Teachers Can Improve Student Performance

Teachers play an important role in students’ success from an early age. They are role models to students. They teach them how to read and also offer them guidance, helping them to achieve educational goals.

In every aspect, a teacher has the highest impact on a student’s achievement and can help them realize their full potential in life. One study shows that a test score is just a fraction of the teacher’s impact on a student’s life. A teacher plays an important role in a student’s overall development. Here are four techniques teachers can use to improve student performance.

  1. Encourage Independent Reading

Reading comprehension is key in determining a student’s overall performance. Students who read independently every day have higher oral skills and general knowledge than those who don’t. According to one study, students who read just for pleasure had a 9.9% advantage in mathematics.

Teachers can foster a reading culture in their students using several methods. They can create time for all students to read independently. Students can read any book of their choice and write a report based on what they’ve read. Afterward, the teacher can analyze the reports and see where students need assistance.

  1. Understand That Each Student is Different 

Students understand things differently and respond differently to constructive criticism. Some are quick to master skills taught in class while others are slow. The earlier you understand each student’s unique needs, the better you’ll help them.

For instance, some students may master reading comprehension quickly–after a few sessions of independent reading and guidance. Others may need a reading tutor to offer them more guidance and support. If some of your students find it hard to master reading, talk to their parents about the best way to help them. Also, examine them and find out what reading methods may work for them.    

  1. Be Specific in Your Compliments

Praise can help students improve their performance, but only when done right. Make your compliments genuine and specific. Focus on at least three positive things that the student did right if you also plan to talk about the mistakes.

For instance, if a student has written a fictional story, you can point out their outstanding imagination, choice of characters, and great dialogue. You can then tell them the things to work on–like punctuation, spelling mistakes, or poor choice of words.

  1. Set High Expectations

Set the bar high, but make success achievable for your students. Setting high expectations is key to success in anything you aspire to achieve in life. Cultivate an atmosphere where each student strives to be the best. Remind each student how smart they are and how they can achieve anything they want in life.

Offer a lot of compliments whenever they do something right. They may not all achieve their goals at the same time, but they will all put their best foot forward. Small daily improvements lead to great long-term results. Guide your students to be the best they can be in life.

About The Author: 

I’m Marry– a writer at Contenterist, calligraphist, and a lifelong learner.  Curiosity, combined with profound observation and a desire to express myself through words, drives me to create work that allows me to connect with others.

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