You Should Wear Compression Socks on Your Next Flight – Here’s Why

Most people view long flights as a necessary evil. They’re boring, exhausting, and can often be a pain to get through. But what many people don’t know is that long flights can also be bad for our health. From deep vein thrombosis (DVT) to dehydration, there are many health risks associated with flying. One way to reduce the risk of developing these problems is to wear compression socks during your flight.

And while most people associate compression socks with old people or athletes, more and more travelers are starting to see the benefits of wearing them on long flights. Here’s a closer look at why you should consider donning a pair of compression socks the next time you fly.

What Are Compression Socks?

Before we dive into the reasons why you should wear compression socks on a flight, it’s important to understand what they are and how they work. Compression socks are designed to apply pressure to your lower legs. This pressure helps to improve blood circulation and reduce swelling. They’re often used by people who have medical conditions that cause poor circulation, such as diabetes. But in recent years, they’ve become popular among athletes and everyday people as well.

There are a few different types of compression socks. Some are meant to be worn all day long, while others are meant for shorter periods, such as during exercise. There are also graduated compression socks. These socks get tighter towards the ankle and are meant to help with blood flow back up to the heart.

Why Are They Good for Flying?

Compression socks are beneficial when flying because they help to improve blood circulation. When you fly, your body is subjected to several changes that can lead to health problems. The most common problems include:

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

One of the most serious health risks associated with flying is deep vein thrombosis (DVT). This condition occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein, usually in the leg. The clot can then move to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism, which can be fatal. DVT is more common on long flights because you’re seated for an extended time. This allows for the pooling of blood in the legs, which increases the risk of clot formation. Wearing compression socks during your flight can help to reduce this risk by improving circulation and preventing pooling. And if you have diabetes or other health conditions that make you more susceptible to DVT, checking out socks for diabetics before your next flight is a must. Not only will it help to keep you comfortable, but it could also save your life.


Sitting for long periods is one of the main reasons why leg swelling (edema) occurs. When we sit, blood pools in our legs and feet due to gravity. This pooling can cause fluid to leak out of the blood vessels and accumulate in the tissues below the skin. The result is swollen ankles, feet, and legs.  People with conditions like heart failure, cirrhosis, and kidney disease are especially at risk for this problem. Wearing compression socks during your flight can help to reduce swelling by applying pressure to the affected areas. This pressure will help to prevent fluid from leaking out of the blood vessels and accumulating in the tissues.


Dehydration is another common problem among travelers, and it can lead to many other health problems. When we’re dehydrated, our blood volume decreases and our blood becomes thicker. This thickened blood doesn’t circulate as well, which can lead to problems like DVT and swollen ankles.  Drinking plenty of fluids is the best way to prevent dehydration. But wearing compression socks can also help. As mentioned before, the pressure from the socks helps to encourage blood flow, even when we’re not moving around much and thus not circulating blood as well.  

Jet Lag

Jet lag is a common problem among travelers, and it can be quite debilitating. Jet lag occurs when our bodies are unable to adjust to the new time zone. This can lead to problems like insomnia, fatigue, and gastrointestinal issues. Wearing compression socks during your flight can help to reduce the symptoms of jet lag by improving circulation and thus helping your body to adjust more quickly to the new time zone. This is especially beneficial for people who already have serious circulation problems.

How Do I Choose the Right Compression Socks?

When choosing compression socks, it’s important to select the right size and style for your needs. If you’re going to be wearing them on a long flight, you’ll want to choose a pair that provides 15-20mmHg of pressure. This is the level of pressure that’s most effective for preventing DVT. You should also opt for a pair that goes up to at least your knee. This will help to prevent pooling and swelling in the lower legs.


If you have any medical conditions that affect circulation, it’s best to consult with your doctor before purchasing compression socks. They can help you to choose the right pair for your needs and make sure that they won’t aggravate any existing conditions.

How to Wear Compression Socks

Compression socks are easy to wear and can be put on just like any other pair of socks. The hardest part is often getting them over your feet! Once they’re on, though, all you need to do is adjust them so that they’re comfortable. Make sure that the compression isn’t too tight and that there aren’t any wrinkles in the fabric. If you feel like you need to adjust them during your flight, that’s perfectly normal. Just be careful not to take them off completely, as this can disrupt the circulation in your legs and lead to problems like DVT.

As you can see, wearing compression socks during your next flight can help to prevent several common travel-related problems, including DVT, dehydration, and jet lag. They’re also relatively easy to wear and can be purchased for a reasonable price. So if you’re looking for a way to make your next flight more comfortable, consider investing in a pair of compression socks!

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