Self-driving car

Man Nearly Misses Flight After Waymo Taxi Wouldn’t Stop Circling A Parking Lot
Ev Richard
Now that GM’s Cruise is gone, it seems that Alphabet’s Waymo is starting to have more and more issues of ...

Man Attempts To Hijack Self-Driving Taxi, Gets Ride From The LAPD Instead
Ev Richard
Anyone who has ever asked a stranger in a coffee shop to watch their laptop knows unattended tech makes an ...

Tesla Driver Kills Pedestrian While Using ‘Full Self-Driving’ And Now The Government’s Investigating
Ev Richard
Elon Musk is, of course, the worst thing about Tesla. The board will never do anything about him, but if ...

Tesla Lays Off Employee Who Slept In Car To Work Longer Hours
Ev Richard
Tesla laid off at least 10 percent of its workforce earlier this month, and in typical Tesla fashion, the Texas-based ...