
Does Everyone Get A Double Chin As They Age?

Does Everyone Get A Double Chin As They Age?

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags There are many joys that come with aging, from thinning hair to apparent ...

7 Things Doctors Wish Older Adults Would Do Daily

7 Things Doctors Wish Older Adults Would Do Daily

Craig Fedirighi

It’s likely that you might have taken your health for granted in early adulthood. Maybe you could run a quick ...

Do Your Ears Really Get Bigger As You Age?

Do Your Ears Really Get Bigger As You Age?

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Aging is a battle with gravity, and gravity always wins. While many body ...

How To Feel Good About Aging Gracefully

How To Feel Good About Aging Gracefully

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags The image I see of myself in my mind is that of a ...

Why Your Beard Gets Patchy As You Age

Why Your Beard Gets Patchy As You Age

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags You probably expect your facial hair to turn gray as you get older, ...

Secrets To Aging Well From An 84-Year-Old World Traveler

Secrets To Aging Well From An 84-Year-Old World Traveler

Craig Fedirighi

Advancing age and the accompanying decline in mental acuity and physical strength have been discussed a lot lately — especially ...

Why Are Millennials Aging Slower? Here’s The Answer

Why Are Millennials Aging Slower? Here’s The Answer

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Lately, there’s been heightened conversation online about how millennials don’t look their age: ...

10 Everyday Habits That Are Harming Your Longevity The Most

10 Everyday Habits That Are Harming Your Longevity The Most

Craig Fedirighi

Living a long, healthy life is a popular goal, but it’s not easy to achieve. It’s common for folks to ...

Experts On Aging Reveal The 5 Major Habits That Will Improve Your Longevity

Experts On Aging Reveal The 5 Major Habits That Will Improve Your Longevity

Craig Fedirighi

Remaining healthy and sharp are goals for most people as they age. But one group of people — known as ...

Morning Skin Care: Your Ideal Routine For Each Age Group

Morning Skin Care: Your Ideal Routine For Each Age Group

James Odonell

rewrite this content and keep HTML tags Keeping up a solid morning skin care routine is a key to achieving ...

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