Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an unidentified attacker in the early hours of Thursday when he fought with him after hearing my screams, a domestic help of the actor told Mumbai Police Crime Branch team during questioning.
After the attack, Saif himself called the police and informed them about the incident, thedomestic help said to the Crime Branch, adding that Saif’s elder son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, admitted him to the Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgery.
During questioning, the Crime Branch team also learnt that during the fight between Saif and the attacker, the domestic help also sustained a minor injury to her hand. She was also admitted to a hospital, but discharged after treatment.
Saif Ali Khan’s wife, Kareena Kapoor, and his sons Taimur and Jeh were present in the house at the time of the incident, the domestic help told the Crime Branch team.
In its initial investigation, the Crime Branch team did not see any person entering the society of Saif Ali Khan two hours prior to the attack.
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed at least six times, with two deep cuts, by an unidentified attacker in his Bandra Home. The actor was taken to the Lilavati Hospital where he underwent surgery. After the attack, the intruder fled from the spot.
After the incident, the Mumbai Police constituted ten teams, including Crime Branch teams, to trace the accused and ensure his arrest.