Looking For A New Job This Spring? Here’s How You Can Stay On Top Of Things

When you find yourself looking for a new job, it can feel like you are completely overwhelmed. You will be looking through endless job sites going over each new listing to see if there is something that would suit you, not to mention something that you might have a shot at getting. You will be going over your CV to make sure that you are giving the best possible version of yourself to any potential employers. And you will, of course, be thinking about how you can make your money stretch until you land that new position, and how you can earn some extra cash.

Job seeking is a period of tremendous stress and anxiety, but there are plenty of things that you can do in order to give yourself the best possible chance, and to make sure that you are taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and financially. And it’s something we all need to think about, because it’s estimated that nearly a third of us will be going through this process in the first half of this year. As stressful as this period is, it is also a time when you can really think about where you want to be in the next few years and what you want to be doing. With that in mind, we have put together a list of tips to help you on your journey.

Remember That It’s A Marathon, Not A Sprint

People start looking for a new job for a wide range of different reasons. Some people are fed up with their current role or feel like they have gone as far as they can and need a change of scenery. Others may be joining the workforce for the first time and be on the hunt for that perfect first role. And others may have recently been made redundant and in need of a new position as soon as possible.

Of course, there are varying degrees of urgency with each of these different scenarios, but everyone looking for a new job feels that sense of a ticking clock. The job market may be brighter than it was but there is still cause for concern for job-hunters. It can be particularly difficult if you are supporting a family and you need to find a way to keep money coming in. But the fact of the matter is that finding a new job can take a while and trying to rush may not help matters.

Create A Daily Plan

The best way to combat the sense that time is slipping away and that you are not getting anywhere is by creating some targets for each day. The best place to start is by making sure that you are getting up and going to bed at the same time every day. Do not let daylight slip out of your fingers, make sure that you are hitting your computer nice and early.

When it comes to scrolling through the job boards, we all know how depressing an experience this can be if there are not many positions available. While this is obviously an essential part of any job search, you need to make sure that you are using your time effectively. Going through the same postings on different sites is not going to help matters. Give yourself a certain amount of time for this part of the hunt every day and then move onto something else.

Keep An Eye On Your Budget

We do not need to tell you that money is one of the biggest worries when you are job hunting. The last couple of years has been particularly difficult for most of us, financially speaking, and many of us have been forced to dip into our rainy-day fund more than once. If you find yourself out of work and in need of employment, then you need to get proactive when it comes to your money. Sit down with your online bank account and get a clear idea of exactly how much you have to work with. Find out if you are eligible for any government support during any period of unemployment. It is time to start cutting out some unnecessary expenses, and there are always going to be things that you can get rid of.

Look at cancelling any streaming services that you are not using. Plan your weekly food shop and stop getting takeaways and buying coffees while you are out. You can also make some cost-effective choices that will not impact your lifestyle. For example, a SIM-only phone plan will make sure that you are only paying for the service that you need instead of a bunch of extras. With Lebara SIM only plans, there are no credit checks and with their 30 day plans you can cancel at any time.

Optimise Your CV

Your CV is one of the most important tools at your disposal when you are applying for jobs, so do not let this be the thing that lets you down. If it has been a while since you last gave your resume a look, it may be time to start it over from scratch. We all know the basics of what needs to be on a CV, so what do you need to remember?

When it comes to listing your skills and achievements, do not be modest. Instead, think about what will stand out to potential employers. You do not need to embellish or make things up, but if you go too far towards modesty, then you run the risk of not making it clear why people should hire you. Avoid going into too much detail, as most employers will not read a CV that is more than a couple of pages. Think about what experience you have that could be transferable and be sure to mention any times when you have shown initiative and developed you own skills.

Look For Learning Opportunities

You have probably read about the massive skills shortage that the United Kingdom is currently going through, as well as the Great Resignation that means that people are leaving their jobs at a staggering rate. However, the job market is still hugely competitive and if you want to stand out, you need to make sure that you have the right skills for the job that you want. It is not always going to be good enough to argue that you have transferable experience, sometimes you need to demonstrate that you have actively pursued opportunities to learn.

The good news is that there are so many different online courses that you can take right now. Whether you are looking to add a multimedia string to your bow, or you want to learn about how AI technology is changing the digital marketing game, you will be able to find a course to help you level up.

Stay Positive

Finally, here is one of the most important things to remember when you are looking for a new job. This is a tough thing to go through, but it is something that most people do at some point during their lives, and you are never alone during this process. Reach out to friends and family members who have been on the same journey. Talk about how you are doing and remember to take care of your mental health. Be kind to yourself on the days when it seems like nothing seems to be landing and remember that each day is a new opportunity. You will find something that is perfect for you.

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