Your HR department — if you have one — probably isn’t doing enough to keep your employees safe, happy, and productive. That’s just a fact of the modern workplace: budgets are stretched thin, and so are your team members. That’s too bad, because happy, secure employees are also among the most productive workers, and the most likely to stick around. So how do you keep your employees functioning at their best, to produce the best results and retain top talent?
If your workplace has ever offered you a meditation app or a mental health Zoom meeting, you know that’s not the answer. Unfortunately, most workplace support systems are barely effective, and some can do more harm than good. Rather than inflicting another triggering virtual workshop or PowerPoint presentation on your team, try something that actually works. Here are some more effective proven ways to compassionately support your employees.
Provide Comprehensive Health Insurance Coverage
This should be a no-brainer, but coverage for even the most basic health issues is never a given. That’s a shame, because good physical and mental health is the absolute baseline for compassionate support. Your employees can’t do their work properly if they can’t get coverage for a broken leg, surgery, or prescription medication. Nor can you really support them if you don’t offer coverage for mental illnesses like PTSD and major depression.
A good, compassionate employee health insurance plan should include all kinds of coverage for acute and chronic conditions. It should also include mental health support, like rehab for depression and inpatient treatment for substance abuse. In countries without universal healthcare, your plan should cover every employee, part- or full-time, regardless of how long they’ve been with you. No human being should have to worry that illness might cost them a lifetime of debt.
Be Generous with PTO and Unpaid Leave
Even with good insurance, your team members can’t get the support they need if they have to be in the office when they’re unwell. Whether sick, injured, mentally ill, or suffering from a loss, every person needs a decent amount of time off. Some companies offer unlimited paid time off (PTO) , trusting their employees not to take advantage. With a strong enough company culture, you can offer this very generous benefit, knowing only those who need it will take it.
For companies that aren’t convinced, you can still be generous with paid leave, offering more than the standard American two weeks. Most European companies offer at least a month of paid vacation, in addition to a slew of other holidays and days off. It’s also standard, in much of the rest of the world, not to put any kind of cap on sick days. In Europe and elsewhere, it’s understood that your employees don’t control how often or for how long they get sick.
Offer Flexible Schedules and Remote Work
Oftentimes, an employee doesn’t need to stop working, they just need more flexibility or a break from their commute. Or, they may be able to work a lot of hours, but not on a traditional schedule, for whatever reason. Consider a marketing team member who sprains an ankle: they can still do their job virtually, without driving or getting on the subway. Or imagine a copywriter with insomnia: they may meet deadlines better working overnight and sleeping late the next day.
Compassionate employers understand that truly supporting employees includes considering their individual needs. It means prioritizing their health, happiness, and productivity over antiquated notions of what a workday “should” look like. Many employees do their best work when given more freedom or more flexibility to care for their health and for their families. Unless a job must be done onsite, remember time spent sitting in a cubicle doesn’t equate to skill or progress.
Implement and Enforce DEI and Sexual Harassment Policies
Racial, religious, gender, age, and other biases in the workplace can quickly get in the way of employees’ abilities to perform their best. Minority employees who work under biased managers have been shown to perform worse and be absent more often. Implicit or unconscious bias also influences hiring and promotion decisions, preventing talented workers from achieving their full potential. Workplace mistreatment of minorities can also lead to depression and loss of sleep.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives can help ameliorate some of this systemic injustice. Workplaces should support their employees by ensuring that talented employees aren’t passed over or mistreated because of their differences. Compassionate workplaces need clear protocols in place to handle discrimination and sexual harassment complaints. They should take all complaints seriously, and enforce policies designed to protect their most vulnerable employees.
Be a Good Listener
If you’re not exactly sure how to best support your employees, the best thing you can do is listen to what they have to say. Elicit their feedback on new initiatives and get them involved in drafting more inclusive workplace policies. Offer opportunities to contribute and outlets to (anonymously) make suggestions and ask for help. Find out what they think would make them more productive, happier, healthier, and safer at work.
Remember, the differences between your employees make your team stronger and more effective. Their diversity of perspectives and experiences makes for a more resilient, robust, and well-rounded team. Those differences, however, mean that no two coworkers will have exactly the same needs for support. Be sure you’re hearing the support needs of more than just the most vocal few. Offer a range of solutions, so employees can figure out what works best for them.