How to Achieve a Slimmer Face With Buccal Fat Removal

Although chubby cheeks may be endearing to children, most adults would rather have slimmer facial features. Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure which reduces fullness in the middle part of the face by extracting buccal fat deposits; thus slimming the cheek area and accentuating jaw lines.

Maintaining a healthy weight over the long run requires commitment and discipline; also important is refraining from engaging in risky activities like smoking or alcohol consumption.

How the Procedure Works

Buccal fat removal is a cosmetic procedure which reduces the size of cheek fat pads to contour and highlight cheekbones, making the face appear thinner while drawing attention away from any unwanted facial fat that remains after diet and exercise have failed to reduce it. It may be an ideal solution for people concerned by excessive facial fat that has not reduced with time alone.

At the start of surgery, your surgeon will apply local anesthetic so you do not experience pain; however, if receiving general anesthesia instead, transportation will need to be arranged afterward. Your surgeon will create an incision inside your cheek; place pressure to further expose the buccal fat pad; cut and remove tissue as necessary.

Your surgeon will then stitch up and clean the wound, suggesting soft foods like soup, smoothies and mashed potatoes as part of the healing process. As your incisions heal you may gradually reintroduce more chewy or crunchy items.

Choosing a Surgeon

Buccal fat removal can be completed safely when performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive facial cosmetic surgery experience. A surgeon will numb the cheeks with local anesthesia before creating a small incision to access excess buccal fat pads through which they’ll then extract them – then close this incision using dissolvable sutures for closing purposes.

Whoever elects this treatment can look forward to achieving a slimmer face with more balanced proportions, thanks to reduced lower cheek fullness allowing the features and bones of their face to stand out more prominently.

People looking for this treatment typically struggle with large or chubby cheeks that interfere with achieving a more refined, sculpted appearance. People who’ve lost significant amounts of weight may also benefit, provided they maintain stable weight levels; fat removed from cheeks won’t grow back; plus incisions will be made inside the mouth so no external scarring results.

Preparing for the Procedure

Buccal fat removal is an aesthetic procedure designed to slim the cheeks and define facial features more precisely. It may be an appropriate solution for patients bothered by full or chubby cheeks that don’t respond well to diet or exercise alone.

Under local anesthesia and oral sedation, this process takes around one hour in total. Your surgeon will make an incision within your cheek before extracting buccal fat pads through dissolving stitches.

When considering buccal fat removal, it’s essential that you discuss your goals and expectations with your facial plastic surgeon as well as any associated risks, including possible permanent numbness and other side effects. Smokers must stop prior to surgery as smoking increases risks of complications. You should also strive for good general health while remaining within a stable weight range.


If you want more elegant cheeks, buccal fat removal may be your solution. It is a minimally invasive procedure performed in-office under local anesthesia or sedation and has long-term results.

Doctors create small incisions in your cheeks to expose buccal fat pads, which are then delicately removed with dissolving sutures. Although you may experience some pain and swelling afterward, this can be managed using prescription medication and cold compresses for relief. Your incisions will heal quickly so you can enjoy having a slimmer face!

For more information about how buccal fat removal can increase facial definition and symmetry, we encourage you to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Zakhary, Calgary plastic surgeon. He works directly with every patient to assess their specific needs and help them realize the desired facial aesthetic. Don’t wait; get started now by reaching out! Our office awaits!

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