
Jon Bon Jovi health: ‘It was not pretty’- star on past mental health struggles

Arshad Majeed

The 60-year-old, who fronts the rock band Bon Jovi, has been open about how he has struggled with his mental ...

Recovering From a Broken Wrist

Arshad Majeed

A broken wrist is a common injury with a variety of causes but it most often happens when someone puts ...

6 Health Benefits Of Meditation and Yoga – Here’s Why You Need To Try It

Arshad Majeed

Millions of people around the world enjoy the physical and mental health benefits of meditation and yoga. This has been ...

Services to Expect From Ayahuasca Retreats

Arshad Majeed

When you book an ayahuasca retreat, you can expect some different services to be included. Most importantly, you can expect ...

7 Things You Should Know About Healthcare System

Arshad Majeed

The Healthcare system is one of the most important things in every country. It is a system that provides medical ...

How Long Can You Wait To Get A Dental Filling? 

Arshad Majeed

Many patients don’t like the dentist, so it’s understandable if they want to put off having a cavity filled. But ...

The Whats and Hows of Vitamin B Supplements: Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Arshad Majeed

Good health is connected to good nutrition. Your dietary habits have a direct impact on how well your body defends ...

How to find the best contact lenses

Arshad Majeed

Contact lenses are an excellent way to correct your vision on a daily basis. As medical devices, it’s especially important ...

Why Is My Dog Coughing: What Should I Do?

Arshad Majeed

When you adopt a dog or puppy, you become responsible for its health. This is why seeing or hearing your ...

How Much Does a Full Set of Veneers Cost?

Arshad Majeed

People should always look at unbiased reviews about how much does a full set of veneers cost in 2022 before booking an appointment.