AfterShock Comics has announced Last Line, a new sci-fi adventure series due out in September. The series comes from the creative team of writer Richard Dinnick, artist Jose Holder, colorist Kelly Fitzpatrick, and letterer Dave Sharpe. The first issue of the series features a main cover by Andy Clarke & Jose Villarrubia, and an incentive variant cover by Das Pastoras.
Here’s how AfterShock describes Last Line:
Sally Hazzard just had the worst day of her life: While on a usual shift as a driver for the tube, the unthinkable happened when a man is pushed in front of her train and killed.
But…there’s something strange here. Sally swears the man was pushed but her supervisors, witnesses and the cc tv footage all show the man falling on his own. Sally cannot let this go, and her investigation into the murder introduces her to an MI-6 agent named Edward Tarn also curious about the so-called accident.
Together, Sally and Ed discover an off-world explanation for the assassination, plus an alien invasion and the craziest plot twist of all: an interplanetary travel system buried deep beneath the London Underground!
Last Line is the first AfterShock Comics work for writing Richard Dinnick, a screenwriter and prose author who is best known in comics for having written a number of Doctor Who comics for Titan. It’s the first collaboration for Dinnick and artist Jose Holder, who has also done work for Titan Comics on the publisher’s Assassin’s Creed series.
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In a statement announcing the series, Dinnick goes into more detail about what the book is about, and teases some of its surprises:
“LAST LINE is about a tube driver who discovers that while she’s been driving back and forth on the London Underground, there’s a whole other world beneath the wheels of her train that she’s about to fall into and have the ride of a lifetime! It takes the premise: what if the London Underground map is actually a star map of other planets? It’s got MI6 agents and SAS and the iconic London Underground slammed up against a diesel-punk robot, outlandish alien trains and an evil regime intent on universal domination. I’m thrilled that this is coming from AfterShock as we share a vision for the series and I’m very excited for everyone to see Jose Holder’s amazing art! It’s incredible.”
Check out a preview of Last Line #1 below. The first issue of the new series is due out on Wednesday, September 7th.