Exploring the Ideological Journey of Cordelia Scaife May

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There are two types of philanthropists in the world: those who revel in the limelight and those who prefer to work in the background. Cordelia Scaife May, founder of Laurel Foundation and Colcom Foundation, firmly belonged to the latter category.

Her quiet dedication and unselfish commitment to conservative causes have left a lasting mark on the philanthropic landscape of Western Pennsylvania and beyond.

A Privileged Upbringing with a Sense of Responsibility

Born into the influential Mellon family, Cordelia’s early years were marked by both opportunity and scrutiny. As one close confidant reflected, “Growing up in a well-known and wealthy family in Western PA had both its perks and drawbacks. The Mellon Family received public attention that would have been both favorable and negative.”

This experience, her friend noted, likely “influenced her determination to demonstrate a command of her assets in a way that would have made a difference to the things she cared about.”

Formative Influences

The Pittsburgh of Cordelia’s youth was a city in transition. According to one source, “After WW2, Pittsburgh was a dirty and challenging city in decay plagued by water and air pollution along with economic uncertainty.” It was during this time that Cordelia Scaife May witnessed the power of public-private partnerships in transforming communities. Her uncle, R.K. Mellon, led a group of businessmen who, in collaboration with city and county government, initiated Pittsburgh’s first Renaissance.

As one source observed, “She would grow up having a front row seat learning about the ways that philanthropy could provide a meaningful impact to her community.”

The Seeds of Environmental Passion

As the city grappled with urban renewal, Cordelia Scaife May found solace and inspiration in nature. She spent her early summers in the country, where she developed a deep appreciation for the natural world. The plants, animals, and birds around her became a source of inspiration.

This connection to nature would become a cornerstone of her philanthropic efforts. It was revealing to discover that as she grew older, despite having the means to live anywhere in the world, Cordelia Scaife May chose Western Pennsylvania’s rural environment as her home. The choice clearly reflected her commitment to the region and her desire to make a difference in her own backyard.

The Birth of a Philanthropic Vision

Cordelia Scaife May’s philanthropic efforts began in earnest with the establishment of Laurel Foundation in 1951. This early venture served as a training ground, allowing her to develop her grantmaking philosophy.

It wasn’t until 1996, at the age of 70, that Cordelia Scaife May established Colcom Foundation. One close acquaintance explained the reasoning behind this decision as a need to hone in on the issues that mattered most to her. “After a lifetime of grantmaking, she wanted to form a new foundation that would be the beneficiary of her estate in the future, where she could focus the balance of her life to incorporate the issues most important to her,” they said.

Impact and Trust

Throughout her philanthropic career, Cordelia Scaife May adhered to a set of guiding principles that shaped her grantmaking decisions. Family members remember her as a person who placed a great deal of trust in the organizations she supported. “Once Mrs. May became comfortable with an organization and the senior leadership team, she became comfortable giving general operational funding. She trusted the grantee to use the funds wisely and the reporting back along with tangible results would validate her confidence and commitment to those groups,” a family member noted.

A Holistic Approach

While Cordelia Scaife May’s philanthropic interests were diverse, environmental conservation always held a special place in her heart.

Her holistic view led her to support initiatives that not only protected natural spaces but also addressed the root causes of environmental stress. As the family member noted, “The need for an awareness of this concept is important. The abundance of land we once had to accommodate sprawl for either housing or farming, is slowly coming to an end.”

Challenges and Perseverance

Cordelia Scaife May’s philanthropic journey was not without its challenges. One friend reflected on the frustration she experienced when she could not bring others to understand the sense of urgency she felt. “While she never actively searched for validation during her philanthropic journey, she often was surprised that others did not address the impact population growth had on the environment. Regardless, she was never deterred,” they noted.

This perseverance in the face of skepticism or misunderstanding was a hallmark of her character. She remained committed to her convictions, guided by extensive research and a genuine concern for the planet’s future.

A Living Legacy

When Cordelia Scaife May passed away in 2005, she left behind more than just a foundation; she left behind a group of people inspired to carry on her work. “Current Board members were close acquaintances or staff members of Mrs. May. They have devoted their time and energy to understand the issues and causes that motivated her over the years and continue the work Mrs. May promoted during her lifetime,” a western Pennsylvania grantmaker explained.

Colcom Foundation continues to honor Cordelia Scaife May’s vision, particularly in the realm of land conservation. As the grantmaker noted, “The Foundation locally has focused on the protection of significant tracts of land to ensure they remain undeveloped and preserved for the enjoyment of future generations. The continued work with local land trusts remains a focus of the environmental program.”

Training The Next Generation

As Colcom Foundation moves forward, it does so with a deep respect for Cordelia Scaife May’s legacy.  The family member emphasized the Foundation’s commitment to the future. “The Foundation and its current Board are committed to educating and training the next generation of staff and its leaders to ensure they understand the role Mrs. May played in the past, which will guide them as they carry on her vision in the future,” the family member stated.

Cordelia Scaife May’s life and work serve as an inspiration to all who believe in the power of thoughtful philanthropy to shape a brighter future.

As we face unprecedented environmental and social challenges, Cordelia Scaife May’s legacy reminds us of the difference one dedicated individual can make when guided by passion, knowledge, and a commitment to the greater good.

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