A guide to choosing the best car insurance for you

To drive along the roads of our great country, almost every state requires drivers to take out some motor insurance coverage, to help protect themselves and others in the event of an accident or incident.

Car insurance is not only a legal requirement in most states, it’s a vital contract and coverage that not only could protect you from financial burden, but also protects your car if damaged – whether you’re behind the wheel or not.

Insurance costs

Of course, insurance isn’t free, but to reduce car insurance cost, there are ways you can tailor your coverage to suit you, your driving habits and your needs. Not only this, but there are factors that could also impact your insurance cost too, including:

Driving record – If you’ve been involved in many accidents, you’ll likely pay more than someone who hasn’t been involved in an accident. Not only this, but if you’re a new driver and have recently received your driver’s license, you’re more likely to pay more than someone who has held a license for longer, as they are deemed to have more experience of roads and other road users.

Age of car – Your insurance is likely to be lower with a newer car, than a car that is, for example, 15 years old. This is due to older vehicles being more prone to certain types of wear, tear and damage than newer car models.

Usage – How much you use your car and how many miles you clock up annually can all contribute towards how much you are charged for insurance. The fewer times you use your car, the less you pay.

Coverage types

To help with the cost, you can also tailor your policy with coverages that suit you, your driving and your needs. There are many coverages you could add to your policy, with some states even making some coverages a legal requirement, whilst leaving others as an option.

Some of the coverages you could choose from include:

Liability coverage

Liability coverage is split into two areas – bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage. Both coverages are designed to help cover any costs that occur when you’re involved in an accident.

Bodily injury liability coverage helps to cover any medical bills that may arise if someone that wasn’t a passenger in your vehicle, is injured due to the accident.

Property damage liability coverage helps to cover the cost of any repairs or replacements needed on someone else’s property if it’s damaged in the event of an accident.

Comprehensive coverage

This coverage type is also known as an ‘act of god’ coverage. With many coverages in place to protect you and your vehicle in the event of a car accident, this coverage is a protection coverage for when your car is damaged from something other than a car accident, like a tree falling onto your car or your car being stolen.

In the event your car is damaged by an ‘act of god’, comprehensive coverage will help to pay for repairs or the replacement of your car.

Now you know some of the factors that could affect your car insurance and some of the types of coverage you could add to your policy, just know there are multiple ways to create the best car insurance policy for you.

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